

Google Research

Discover Google Research. We publish research papers across a wide range of domains and share our latest developments in AI and science research.

Making AI helpful for everyone - Google AI

At Google, we want to make AI helpful for everyone because we think that AI can meaningfully improve people's lives.

Google DeepMind

Artificial intelligence could be one of humanity's most useful inventions. We research and build safe artificial intelligence systems.

Google Brain

Google Brain was a deep learning artificial intelligence research team under the umbrella of Google AI, a research division at Google dedicated to ...

Google將DeepMind與Google Brain合併,整合更多資源佈局 ...

2023年4月21日 — Alphabet及Google執行長Sundar Pichai稍早宣布,將把原本隸屬Alphabet的子公司DeepMind,以及隸屬Google底下研究院的Google Brain ...


2023年6月5日 — 您的家庭會響應您的智能手機:使用各種設備的RGB燈來控製過敏情緒,無論您身在何處,都可以控制安全性和氣候,控制您的用戶並控制消費。

Brain App Daily Brain Training

2023年11月22日 — 歡迎使用Brain App - 您日常的大腦訓練伴侶! 我們精心發展的心理練習是為了測試您的反應、意識和精確度,判斷您的Brain App IQ 並幫助您保持敏銳。

Chat GPT applications and innovations

Google Brain Exchange is more than just a trading platform, it is a comprehensive solution that can help businesses and individuals deal with various complex ...

Google Brain

Google Brain is a research team within Google that focuses on artificial intelligence and machine-learning. Since its founding in 2011, its work has been ...

Google整併AI研發為Google DeepMind

2023年4月21日 — 新成立的Google DeepMind將整合Google Brain及DeepMind的AI研發成果,包括AlphaGo、Transformer、文字表示模型word2vec、音訊波形深度生成模型WaveNet、 ...